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My Proposal


     As an eighth grader in California, the only high school in Nevada that I knew about was SECTA. After learning about their different majors and programs, my interest was sparked with the Nursing Assistant Program. Having a chance to take a step in the medical field by gaining my certification in nursing assisting at the age of 18 had became a new goal for me. 

At the age of 16, my sophomore year, I became aware of my peers’ curiosity about sexual activities. But mostly, females talking amongst each other, having questions about vaginal hygiene. During my 10th grade year, my interests in the medical field of an OBGYN burgeoned. It would be a way for me to provide a range of quality obstetric and gynecological services. 

     Nevada’s CCSD sex education currently goes over the following topics: human reproductive system, AIDS and related communicable diseases, and sexual responsibilities during High School Health. However, all subtopics which fall under each topic is greatly simplified to be taught for one semester in Health Education Class during freshman year. As females get older and mature, vaginal hygiene is a concern for them. We aren’t taught about vaginal hygiene nor do we have the courage to ask our parents or an adult at High school. This information is something we feel at fault for not knowing and it damages the self-esteem and confidence we have in ourselves. 

     According to, “Adolescents ages 15-24 account for nearly half of the 20 million new cases of STDs each year. Today, two in five sexually active teen girls have had an STD that can cause infertility and even death.” I will use my interests in obstetrics and gynecology to implement more health education about female vaginal health during freshman year in health classes in hopes of helping and reassuring teen females about vaginal hygiene as they start their journey in high school. The vaginal health education will take place at least once a month where females, apart and away from males, may ask their teacher any questions or concerns about their vaginal health. I also expect to potentially help lower the amount of teen cases for STDs and UTIs. 

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